Staying Patient and Dedicated Got Me Through It

Hello fellow manifestors! I can’t believe I’m about to type this but... I MANIFESTED MY PARTNER!! I’ve been doing Lacy's work and calling in a partner for 9 months now. I purchased How to Manifest, Shadow, and Love. (Highly recommend all, but Partnership was my favorite) It wasn’t always easy to stick with it, but I’m so glad I did. 

I failed a lot of tests and gave into my ego more than once but staying patient and dedicated got me through it all. This is the man of my dreams and my complete list! I can feel myself in alignment and the universe is still giving me signs that this is the person for me. Huge thank you to Lacy and her team!! Whether you’re just starting, working through a test, or in the magic dark, I hope you stick with it because this shit works!!!  

I did the DRE every day in October and November. I met him at the beginning of November so I definitely think doing the DRE's helped attract him faster. I also did hypnotherapy once a month which was another good way to connect with my subconscious beliefs. Lastly, I worked on connecting with my spirit guides through meditation. They helped lead me to the right places and always let me know when a guy was a test. 

Follow your pings! I met this one through a dating app. I told myself I was going to take a break from dating apps in August and pick it up again in the new year. I had a ping to re-download Bumble at the beginning of November and that's when we matched. Also the magic dark is very real, after passing multiple tests I had NOTHING coming through for 2 months and then bam!

-Casey Smith 


I Manifested Being Treated Like a Queen


I Met an Absolutely Fantastic Man on HINGE