I Met an Absolutely Fantastic Man on HINGE

I did Unblocked Love back in February, encountered a few tests, and then all of a sudden four months later met an absolutely fantastic man on HINGE of all places.

We’ve been dating for two months and though we haven’t had the official “boyfriend/girlfriend” conversation yet, this has been SUCH a wonderful, exciting and refreshing experience for me. This photo is from one of my journaling sessions while doing Love.. and as I get to know this man more and more, he continues to check items off of the list (and ones that SHOULD have been on there, like a great sense of humor). One of the things I learned about myself during Love was that I was really afraid no one would bother to get to know the authentic me, pursue me, and stay interested. But I also had to challenge myself to fully stand in my worth and show the real me, rather than adjusting myself to whoever I was around. 

It’s been a really beautiful experience to have someone pursue me... and for me to feel comfortable enough to actually BE KNOWN. It still feels early and who knows how things will turn out, but I can already tell you that this dating relationship has been a huge expander for me (in the best way). AND I’ve learned that partnership is truly equal parts what you’re calling IN, as well as what authentic energy you’re putting OUT into the world.


Staying Patient and Dedicated Got Me Through It


Feeling Totally in My Power!