I Was Down to My Last $50 in Overdraft

“This was nothing short of incredible to me... I went a whole year (after moving to a small town from the city) getting and quitting jobs... They either didn't pay enough, the hours were too much or too little, or the coworkers were horrible.... 6 months in I found a job I really liked at a bar, with people I really liked and the money and hours were okay - but during the spring leading into summer it became less and less busy, and my OCD anxiety started to flare up, leaving me with no other choice than to give a lot of my shifts away.

Work became stressful, I had no money, and that started messing with many other things in my life! I've always believed that your job and your self worth were closely related, and when I started the How to Manifest course, I wrote down exactly what I wanted in a job (right down to the very small, yet important, details). I then gave the bar my notice - and the next day I received a check that was 100% unexpected! A few days later, took a job at a gym doing sales... I worked it for a week (and loathed every. single. second!!!), and then realized that by taking that job, I had just put an energetic block on the one I actually wanted to come in - so I quit! 

Everyone around me was genuinely so concerned because I was $2,000 in debt, and had no promise for a job any time soon... But I kid you not, I did not worry, and I'm a worry wort; I just knew on a deeper level that this job was coming to me! 2 weeks later, when I got down to the last $50 in my overdraft, and it seemed like I was going to have to pick up a job at Tim Horton's, I got a call back from a job that seemed pretty much like my whole list! I was ecstatic, and on my first day I learned that it was 100%, in every way, detail - and in some even better ways than I had imagined - my whole list! In just one week I have made $1,000, I'm happier, my anxiety dissipated, and my faith in the universe, the law of attraction, and life itself returned full force! 

Thank you thank you thank you, Lacy Phillips and TBM! You have helped me rediscover my power, and that's priceless.


How to Manifest


Getting Paid 20K More for my Dream Job


Wellness Led To My Career in Marketing