I’ve Never Felt More Seen or Authentic in my Life!

I became a pathway member in January and have seen SO much come through. 

Some of my back story: for the past four years, I’ve worked low paying design jobs where I was not in my worth. I was paid way less than my colleagues, I would often be asked to run errands (some of which were personal for my boss’ husband) and because I felt under-qualified when I first accepted the job I pretty much just said yes to everything I was asked - my self worth in the job was LOW. 

Outside the design firm, I worked with clients on the side and eventually hired a business coach and decided to make the leap (with an FU fund in place) to work full time for myself. It’s been five months of being on my own and I’ve never been happier or more confident in myself. Since starting the Pathway program, I’ve taken Shadow and Money and have been doing the DRE.

I’ve had so many insane realizations and have seen so many tests come through. I’ve majorly stepped into my worth, and am now coaching creative, introverted women which is something I’ve been called to do for years. My podcast which I started in December has been featured multiple times in three categories on iTunes New & Noteworthy List and this month (March) has been my best financial month in the past five years!!! I’m SO grateful for TBM - I’ve never felt more seen or authentic in my life!


Shadow / Money / DREs


Recording My 2nd Music Album


I Launched My Blog and Heard from an Ex