I Launched My Blog and Heard from an Ex

I haven't manifested anything really tangible yet, but wanted to share this story anyways because it still proves this stuff works. 

About 6 months ago, I started dating this guy who was perfect on paper, but the tiniest of tiny voices told me that I needed to walk away. Unfortunately, I ignored my intuition and after two months, it ended badly. Now I realize he was just a test, before I knew what a test even was. (I only recently started doing this work). 

I was heartbroken, but eventually figured out that the Universe is guiding me towards following my career dreams right now (which I have been putting on the back burner for years now). I finally started following this ping and I've been busting my butt the past month working through my fear of being seen and getting my blog started. I launched it and two days later (after seeing my new blog on social media), my ex reached out to tell me he was happy for me and that he really enjoyed my message. 

He also apologized for how he treated me. I definitely passed the test this time around and told him thank you for the apology, but to leave me alone! This experience just made me so happy because I can tell I'm more magnetic and I'm excited to see what else comes through as I continue to work through my blocks and raise my worthiness.


I’ve Never Felt More Seen or Authentic in my Life!


My Wall Installations in Maui