My Wall Installations in Maui

Whoa! You guys, they are starting to come through! 

A little backstory. As some of you know, I'm a Wood Artist but I have another job that pays the bills. My intention is to be a full-time artist/podcaster/blogger. Only doing my own stuff that lights me up. One of my manifestations on my list is going to Maui and another is more big full wall installations. 

Well, a woman I know from Instagram reached out to me last week. She's creating a wellness resort on MAUI and wants me to send her samples of my work because they'd like to incorporate them into their design. I wrote her back and then nothing. This was six days ago. Normally I'd follow up but something inside of me has been telling me to not follow up with the people that have inquired recently. They are tests to see if I am in my worth and that they will reach back out. I've literally had about several big inquiries. 

I'd normally try to force them into creation. So, I've just sat back. I'm a generator so following up wasn't feeling right in my gut :) Well, today the woman wrote to me again and told me her intention is to have me come and build out A COUPLE FULL WALL INSTALLATIONS!!! It's not a done deal yet but it totally just expanded me in the most incredible ways and I believe that more is coming! This is so amazing. Trust the process!


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