I Quit Serving to Pursue My Handmade Jewelry

I have a mini manifestation success story to share!!

So, a month ago I quit my serving job because I was feeling sooooo not in my worth. The money was good but I have never felt so small. I decided to leave the service industry for good and pursue my dream of selling my handmade jewelry. 

I’ve been spending this week getting super clear on what I want my business to look like. Yesterday I wrote a “to-do list” and wrote down my intention of selling jewelry in my favourite local boutique called “here nor there”. This morning I woke up to a notification that they followed my jewelry account on Instagram! I’m feeling so magnetic and excited to see what else I can call in ✨ this stuff is the real deal 👌🏼


My Wall Installations in Maui


I Finally Gathered the Courage to Quit Today!