I Finally Gathered the Courage to Quit Today!

After toggling with the idea of quitting my corporate job of 5 years that was leading no where and kept me playing small and safe, I finally gathered the courage to quit today!!!!! (With an F-U fund and bridge job that thank god to Lacy Phillips I owned my power and didn’t take on others fears for making this decision for myself for not having a new job lined up - which for so long I didn’t quit because I didn’t have anything lined up - but hello! I wasn’t attracting anything new because I showed up everyday to a job that literally has been blocking me for far too long!) 

I’m a manifestor human design but didn’t know until yesterday that I’m a nonspecific. That one little detail helped provide color of why I can never sort my next steps specially but rather a feeling that something magical is about to happen and now I again feel empowered and less self critical about needing an exact plan in place. Something i thought of yesterday that helped me leap was realizing what helped me break up with an ex a few years ago - I am the only one who can quit or break up - no matter how much i seek for help, the power is mine to set myself free and make real changes! 

Also, thanks to this amazing group I bought an Alexis Smart flower remedy (wholehearted) to support myself on this transition period and healing that’s to come. Ok thank you for reading if you’re still with me! Love to you all and sending you all lots of good vibes and strength to create a life you truly love. Xoxoxoxoox


I Quit Serving to Pursue My Handmade Jewelry


An Author, Partnership, and Baby