I Got Super Ill At My Corporate Job

Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself to you and share with you some awesome things I've been able to manifest in the past two and a half months of doing the WORK. I graduated in June and against my instincts, I took what ended up being a pretty horrible job working in HR for a major tech company that I'll just call "Shmoogle." Anyways, I ended up quitting in 3 months and felt pretty bad! So many times I wished I could just buckle down and stay at that job, but it wasn't working. 

I studied art and urban studies in school and everything in my gut told me that this job was against my authentic code, and I knew it was a test, but still I took the job due to pressures from my mom that I should take it because of all of the advertising that it's a good company, might not be that bad, etc. Anyways, during those three months I got super super sick. I had a UTI which escalated into a kidney infection – and I don't know about you guys but whenever I'm NOT expressing myself properly I start to get really ill. Feeling totally wiped out, I realized I'd rather quit, leave my apartment in San Francisco and pursue art than have to stay and basically feel like I was metaphorically and physically dying every day. 

Quitting my job was easy, but I decided to stay in SF for 2 months, and that was not easy. I always felt like I was hemorrhaging money, and every day felt like a weird proof of how inadequate I was. Around this time I found Lacy's work through a friend and started working on Money. I realized that there were a lot of things going on in my life that were reflecting my feelings of inadequacy and knew that I had to leave SF and move back home with my parents for a little bit. I ended up driving from SF to home, and during the drive I decided to stay at my friend's place in Santa Barbara for 3 days. 

Long story short, my friend works at a magazine and after meeting one of his friends I landed my first contract making art for their magazine and have made way more than I would have made in a week at my old job just for 6 drawings. I'm back home now, and some other things I've manifested include: a free month of yoga at a hot yoga studio, another contract working on a look book, and an opportunity to submit my work in a gallery. I still have a ton of work to do and am looking for EXPANDERS in the art scene who either do ecommerce with their art, sell fine art, etc. but I just wanted to share that the biggest manifestation is that I no longer feel like shit every day! And I think that's a huge victory. I'm excited to see where this energy will take me and I know something huge is coming!!




I Manifested More Money and Flexibility


I Left the Job that Made Me Small