I Left the Job that Made Me Small

You Guys, I completed Unblocked Money a few weeks ago and have been in so much magic dark territory until today. I am an actor and I have had a day job as a nanny of a family with 4 kids for almost 5 years. This job was such a blessing for me after graduating from my MFA program. It was flexible and paid well and I fell for the kids, but in recent years it has been a place where I have been so small. 

My boss would forget to pay me and I would be so ashamed and uncomfortable to ask for it, at first I didn’t even ask (so bad, I know). Boundaries were not clear and I made myself as small as possible (I know energetically this bled into all aspects of my life). I put in my notice last month (in order to work towards becoming a postpartum doula), saying that I would stay until the kids were out of school, but this week they started kind of trying to push me out prematurely, when I agreed to go, they flipped and asked me to say longer. I listened to my gut and decided to bow out even though I was afraid of not making money. I KNEW this was a test and I had to stand in my power and say NO. 

I could feel that the universe was begging me to trust. An HOUR after I sent my e-mail saying I was done, my doula mentors offered me an apprenticeship, opportunities to shadow them AND a mom I used to sit for offered me a babysitting job (with healthy boundaries) that will hold me over until I have my own clients as a doula. The energetics of this work are so insane and so real! Thank you, Lacy and thank you to all of you for expanding me on the daily! I can’t wait to see how all of this will play into my dream acting job as well...✨




I Got Super Ill At My Corporate Job


I Didn’t Even Know This Business Model Existed