I Didn’t Even Know This Business Model Existed

GUYS! I manifested my DREAM job - that I didn’t even know existed. 

When I had first heard of Lacy’s work, I was a little all over the place. I was in the final year of my MBA program (graduating this June!), working in marketing at a tech startup (was not crazy about it- but love the energy at startups!) and completing my 200 hr yoga teacher training. My intuition led me to that training and as soon as I started I knew I wanted to make that my career path. The only problem was - I wasn’t sure how to make it work. 

Knowing myself I knew I needed to be teaching and connecting with students while also using that other side of me - my business and marketing skills. I also knew that I needed to be making a good living, have healthcare and benefits. I remember asking one of my yoga teachers - how can I make this a full-time profitable career? He told me that I probably wouldn’t and that I shouldn’t quit my day job. I was determined not to take no for an answer. I had to make it work! I did the work on myself, passed some tests and found some expanders. Fast forward a few months - I am about to graduate, completed my yoga teacher training, teaching a few weekly classes and had not yet quit my day job. 

I was researching for other studios to audition at and took a break to look through Instagram stories - an ad for a studio I had never heard of popped up. Thinking it was a sign I researched the company. It was everything that I was looking for! A company based in San Francisco with a revolutionary business model that pays yoga teachers FULL-TIME SALARIES with benefits! The best part is that the company is run by its teachers meaning that you are able to use your FULL skill set on the job! And they are a young, growing company (hello I love working at startups with momentum!!) And they were opening in my city! 

I thought it was too good to be true. I DMed the hiring manager and CEO of the company wanting to chat with them ASAP. After the first phone call, I was excited. After dinner with them, I was sure that this was it! This is exactly what I had been calling in! I received the job offer on Friday. I had no idea that this company or amazing business model existed and here it fell onto my lap- with EVERYTHING on my list! I love love love this work. Thank you, Lacy and everyone in this wonderful group for sharing your stories you have ALL expanded me.


I Left the Job that Made Me Small


Leader of a Tribe