Leader of a Tribe

Sorry, this is a long post!! I had my FIRST big manifestation come through this week since doing Lacy’s work!! I started with formula two months ago and then went straight into INNER CHILD. I have been sick of the industry I’m in, specifically my current job and REALLY needed clarity on what my next path was. I wrote down my list of what I wanted in my next career move and what I knew I was good at - very general points & no specifics on industry - just things like salary, flexibility, etc. 

While working through INNER CHILD - one of the DI’s has you look into your past life & purpose - I saw myself as a leader of a tribe... which I thought was maybe my imagination, but I kept seeing the word ‘tribe’, leader of a community, etc. throughout that DI. I wrote the word down, but forgot about it. I applied EVERYWHERE for about 6 weeks, nothing was sticking. I finally got to a breaking point with my current job about two weeks ago and decided I had to tell them I was leaving, but would remotely freelance for however long I could. 

I had to get out of the toxic environment. Shortly after, two great opportunities popped up! They both aligned with many things on my list and both initial interviews went well. Things at work worsened and I just couldn’t imagine freelancing - I decided to trust in the universe and fully resign, hoping something would come thru when I let go of this current situation... and a day or two after, I had a second interview with one of the companies - EVERYTHING on my list. I met some of the girls that would be on my team and they mentioned how they call themselves a ‘tribe’. 

I didn’t realize it at the time, until I went home. I couldn’t believe it - I opened my journal and was in utter shock when I saw the word. I almost started crying. I hadn’t got the offer yet, but I knew it was the job I was supposed to pick between the two. Everything about the process was so easy and effortless. AND I GOT THE JOB!!! So excited and nervous and very much still in shock. This shit works.


I Didn’t Even Know This Business Model Existed


My Magnetism Used to Be Fleeting Until Lacy’s Work