I Realized I Never Specified Gender on My List

HELLO EVERYONE. Strap in, because this is a crazy truth. I did Lacy’s Love course mostly for fun, to see if it would work, and with the hopes of finding my future husband or at least a long term boyfriend. Every day there was a new exercise that taught me a little bit more about myself, and helped me realize what I actually wanted and needed from a partner, versus what I thought I wanted based on my ego, childhood, etc. My list was pretty specific to me and I thought maybe I should make it more general, but my list was truly everything I wanted by the end of the course. So then, maybe a month later, my best friend (who is a WOMAN) and I got together. She has all the qualities on my list. I did not realize I was supposed to specify gender on my list (Lol) and I have never been with a woman before, but I have also never experienced such a compatible, healthy, magnetic, love before. I am expanding to say the least. Give it a go, this course is a hugely positive experience in my eye.




I’m Staying Open Because I Know I Reached Next Level


I Manifested My Ideal Partner to a T