I’m Staying Open Because I Know I Reached Next Level

Wow I’m so grateful and excited to share some manifestations! As background, I hit a major rock bottom during the eclipses that happened end of summer with the culminating one in the fall. Though I was reaching a career high, I came to the decision to end my 4 year relationship with my boyfriend who was “supposed to be” the guy I would marry. 

There had already been a ring in the picture. But after following Lacy’s work for so long it became clear to me that I was not in my worth in this relationship anymore and that it was holding me back from stepping into my full deservingness. After that ended, I immediately entered into the big test relationship. Oh boy was it shiny and packaged all brand new and literally 3 weeks in I had a massive a-ha moment and realised, that THIS IS A TEST. 

In a dramatic series of events the new guy revealed all of the same past patterns in my ex but even more extreme. And I ended it even though this guy had a very persuasive and did not want to let me go. I actually called my mom giggling once the dust had settled because the test was so clear that it was almost comical. Well that officially put me in the rock bottom, since i also work with the second suitor. Then I let myself cry on my knees and I dug into the work. I got very clear on my list and since I am currently on tour for work and changing cities on the regular I have time to really strengthen that deservingness. 

Then, I met someone last week and had such a great first date that I walked away completely intrigued and shocked... he was everything on my list. Now I’m going to stay open to the fragmented tests because I know I’ve reached next level. Other things on the material plane have been popping up daily like yesterday a famous hairstylist showed up at work and gave me a perfect haircut for 40 dollars when I had literally just scheduled an appt. at a salon for 200. I find such delight in this work! So grateful and excited to see my manifestations unfold.


My Magnetism Used to Be Fleeting Until Lacy’s Work


I Realized I Never Specified Gender on My List