I Was Blocked From Commissioning My Art

Some pretty awesome/crazy things have been happening lately and I think it’s due to my recent meditation practice along with doing the Unblocked work. I’ve been wanting to have a more creative job for years now. I’ve had jobs as a graphic designer that weren’t fulfilling enough but since I wasn’t aware of everything there was, I was blocked in my own mind about my capabilities. However, I’ve always loved to draw. But from a young age my mom kind of let it be known that she didn’t think what I was doing was good. Not in a terribly mean way, but I remember showing her something I did once and she made a comment about how the lines were too thin. 

Last May I decided to say fuck it and made an Instagram acct to post my doodles. I started doing the unblocked work 4 months ago and realized that my mom’s critique was what I heard every time I posted something. Once I realized that was imprinted on me, it was easy to disregard it and move forward and just do what I like to do. Fast forward to a month ago and someone commissioned me to illustrate on their store front! After that, I had someone reach out to me about illustrating a custom logo, another person reached out about designing her wedding invitations, and a few days ago someone saw my window illustrations and they want me to paint the windows where they work, which is a rehabilitation hospital ❤️

I feel so incredibly happy and I honestly owe A LOT of this to the unblocked work. Once I realized I had these ideas in my head that I based my choices on that I could essentially erase and re-write, it was game over. I just want to let everyone know who is trying to manifest something and it’s not coming to them to really dig deep. Dig down to find what’s really holding you back and it will come to you ❤️


I’ve Been Manifesting an Online Yoga Studio


I Feel the Work I am Doing is Fulfilling