I’ve Been Manifesting an Online Yoga Studio

I would like to share a testimonial particularly for the people who are finding the work difficult. Stick at it, and all is coming. 

I have been working through Money for about 8 days now and really the breakthroughs are amazing. So, yesterday I did portals. It was a lot for my system to process. As I got engrossed into the DI some of the images around acceptance and being embraced for what I bring to world were so vivid I nearly vomited. My eyes filled with tears I was coughing almost choking as my mother embraced me said she loved me for all I was and all I will be. My mother has never said those words. Further down the DI, I was in a room made of solid gold where I was smiling as I sat in meditation the sun shone in my face - it was magical. Then my parents arrived again. As I was leaving the DI I waved goodbye to my parents as they stood and watched me walk away 😍.

I felt empowered. I have always known for my sanity that I have to step out of my parents draining, victim based, scarcity energetics to succeed. Before I left to teach yesterday evening I got an email from a studio stating that I have been underpaid so can expect some cash to come though.Today, I woke up meditated as I usually do went off to teach. It's 3:15 pm where I am. One of my students said she would purchase online classes from me (without me asking). 

I am a generator in HD so have to wait to respond (this is one of the things I've been manifesting) an online studio so I can travel, work & earn. One of my students also an expander, has said he is putting on an event this Saturday where I will teach some yoga to get my private yoga offering more buoyant and thriving, (I did nothing, he contacted me tell me this today!), multiple teachers contacted me just today offering more work (I'd been worried about earning as I'm away for a month) a phone call came in about funding available for small businesses (this is part of what I'm currently manifesting my own yoga studio) this shit works. You have to go through the dark to find the light. I haven’t even finished yet, lol.




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