I’ve Manifested A Lot, But Still Working on Love

Hi all! In January 2018 I had written my list and I was able to manifest a lot from it, and a few areas of my life actually went beyond what I planned or imagined, which is so great! But the love area hasn't, as this area is probably the one where I have the most work to do. What I find interesting though is that I have manifested things at work and creatively that are really so amazing and that I really never planned for - it just sort of fell into my lap without me having to work for it, tbh. But when it comes to love it's literally SILENCE for a year now. Even Tinder hasn't worked - zero guys showed up who are interested in me and matched with me. I find this contrast rather....strange. Like one part of my life is just flowing and thriving, the other is like...just non-existent. 

Social life has improved, but no dates or lovers in sight. I would love to know what you guys think of this "contrast", like energetically speaking? Just to explain a bit on the background: at work I manifested a trip to Nairobi, Kenya - I'll be staying and working at one of my company's projects for 4 weeks. This was just randomly offered to me. I also got a new focus at work - I'll be responsible for communication and will be taking care of the PR for our group, which is so amazing because this area is what I really enjoy and it was just offered to me out of the blue, I never had to even ask for it. I had the goal of writing a book this year (I tried for almost ten years with no success) - well, I didn't just finish one book, but I actually completed writing my second book this weekend!! So one book has a word count of 101k, the other 150k. I'm really proud! All this happened actually with no real effort (I mean, of course writing after work was a matter of discipline, but it wasn't really that hard).

- Julia Pfeiffer, Dec. 20th 2018 


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