My Job Came Through After Hearing Crickets

I MANIFESTED A JOB + a position at the exact summer camp in NY I wanted, and the hat i've been looking for at 25% off (micro manifestation). Just wanted to hopefully serve as an expander to some of you. 

I have been applying for jobs for months now, and was getting nothing back (and I mean crickets). I bought all Lacy's tools and her How to Manifest workshop on the black Friday sale and all I can say is WOW. If it wasn't for Lacy I would have never known I was in a magic dark, and I know the universe was testing me to see if I would settle and go back to my old job which was so toxic and horrible. 

My money was getting very thin and I was getting nervous, I kept thinking, "maybe it won’t be so bad if i go back... the money is good". Until a few weeks ago I just thought, NO I'm not settling. A very strong energetic no and really closed the door on that option. I did some expanding on people who have left the hospitality industry for a field they loved, passed some tests, reprogramed and BAM. I was offered the EXACT role i wanted in my industry, great pay, perfect hours and no weekend work! I was getting interview request after request (and am still having some come through now). 

This is just one thing i've manifested over the past month and I've been feeling soooo magnetic. I have been doing the DRE's almost every day along with Inner Child. Just wanted to give you all some hope to say whatever you want is coming, I promise. I was getting so frustrated until I just surrendered, kept expanding and communicated to the universe that I was ready to step into my worth and not settle again. This stuff is magic.

- Ella Cotterell, Dec. 12th 2018 


I’ve Manifested A Lot, But Still Working on Love


Part-time Retail Job at a Luxurious Company