Tests Highlighted What I Wasn’t Going to Accept

Thank you so much Lacy for creating everything you have - since October I’ve done Inner Child, Shadow, How to Manifest, and now Money. In March I edited my ideal partner list after a series of tests highlighted exactly what I wasn’t going to accept anymore. 2 hours later my best friend texted me to say she’d met someone at a party the previous evening and thought he would be great for me. We met and hit if off.. he’s EVERYTHING on my list (plus he had a list too and I’m everything on it!!) We’ve been together ever since...I never thought this would be possible before I found your work. I’m undoing so many layers and connecting all the dots, it’s such a fascinating process and you deliver it in such a warm and eloquent way. I’ve learnt so much about myself and having the support for the community is a huge help.


The Universe Couldn’t Not Let Me Call in a Man


I Found a Hospitality Job that Fits Longer Term Visions