The Universe Couldn’t Not Let Me Call in a Man

I'm feeling so happy and so I wanted to share something that I manifested using Lacy's work. Read on for calling in a partner...#TBManifestations In November I was introduced to this work by one of my closest friends. We chose to start with the How to Manifest workshop to really understand the how and why before I began to call things in. Little did I know I have been manifesting throughout my life in very cool ways already! 

I debated whether or not I should call in a partner right away for my first thing, but the universe just couldn't let me not call in a man - it was all I really felt I saw in my 3-6-9 month future. So I jumped. I wrote my list 3 times, editing and crossing things out over and over until I felt really good about the list. I sought out expanders in my life and I have quite a few amazing examples of what the partnership I wanted looked like, as well as pinning, saving images on instagram to a designated folder, and even watching movies or clips online that featured the relationship I desired. At the same time, I was dating online and offline - so this was really amazing to figure out my tests and my triggers. 

I've cried in every single DRE, the breakthroughs have been phenomenal and there is a sense of peace after each one. The tests at first were easier: old flames trying to wedge their way back into my life, seeing old flames on the dating apps after being on them for months (why right then did they pop up universe?!), matching and not reaching out, belittling myself and not stepping into my worth in the relationships I was having in real life, etc. etc. And then the magic dark. I shit you not, I said to myself "this can't be the magic dark so fast can it?". It was mid december and I was no longer matching with guys on the apps, I wasn't getting called to go out and be social or called to go to certain restaurants/bars/parties, the men I did match with never responded (very odd), and the men I thought were perfect began dropping like flies and really showing their true colours and silence. 

It was then I listened to a podcast with Lacy where she was talking about the list - specific vs. nonspecific and how that looks. I'm a specific manifestor based on my HD (emotional projector 6/2). What resonated was this: When you are writing your list and you are being specific, let's say about someone's appearance, why are you wanting to call this in? Why do these characteristics make you feel good? How does it make you feel? What is it really about those specifics, deep down in your subconscious? I realized my list said "brown or blonde hair" but what I really meant was I wanted someone who looks totally different from me and who doesn't have red hair (my natural colour). MAGIC. I went home and re-wrote half my list before going on the first of two dates that weekend. The date was OK but he wasn't everything I had written down. The next morning I finished my list, combining things together and also creating it with more intention about my feelings and really deepening into my subconscious and authentic ness. I burned my previous lists. I felt AMAZING. Fast forward to that night - I met the man I feel I was supposed to meet right then. We've had the most unbelievable month and last night for our one month anniversary he took me out to my fav boojie restaurant, us in our boots and converse, wrote me the cutest card and is taking me to LA next month as a fun getaway - something we joked about on our first date a month ago. 

He also asked me to be his gf (we are 31/32 and so this was really cute and classic, just like I like it). and I'm really fricken happy. And I did this. And I knew the first time we met, he even said words I had written on my list that morning. Major words and things I was looking for - he was too. I was too baffled and shocked to write any earlier, but now I really know it's happening and it's magic and this work does work. It's incredible. I can't thank this community enough for continuously sharing their manifestations because it can only be a guiding light for the rest of us. Which is why I wanted to share my story.


How to Manifest


After Many Tests I Found the One


Tests Highlighted What I Wasn’t Going to Accept