Acting is the Thing I Always Wanted to Do

Hi Lacy! I just wanted to say thank you for all that you're doing. You helped me very much to thrive my biggest dream and got to RADA in London for my MA acting studies. I've never bought your programme (frankly speaking I couldn't afford that), but I'm keen on Supported, and I'm planning start Daily Reprogramming when I will be able to. I'm familiar to all podcasts, videos, articles and inspirations that you shared for free. I've learned a lot. You helped me find my right track. To move out of Poland where no one wanted me, neither in work, nor in any national theatre school where I tried to get in for four years. 

I graduated from Warsaw Film School, which was my dream, but because it's private school, nobody respects that in my country (there are very few working actors without "proper" education). Acting is the thing I always wanted to do. I've been struggled a lot. Especially because I do many things in my life, and people very often are not prepared for my abundance. They were asking me "so decide who are you and what you want to do with this". I've been feeling unworthy and somehow unsuitable for this reality. Then I just left everything and I followed my dream. I went for my audition to London to the best acting school in the world, and I felt at home. 

During the interview I heard that I'm super talented and they are impressed by my performance and all I've done and deep down I knew I belong there. And when I decided to put everything on that dream, the Universe helped me SO much with EVERYTHING. Now I dream to work. I mean to have money not from small jobs but from my real acting career. I manifest. I'm doing my best in my huge shadow work. (When I'll pay all my bills I will be doing your programme!) I'm happy if you would read it. I don't know, I just felt today that I HAVE TO share it with you. In this New Moon's day. Thank you one more time Lacy. Have a lovely time!


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