I Finally Manifested My Coffee Shop

For the past couple of years, I have been working to open a coffee shop. There’s a particular historic building that I KNEW the shop was supposed to be in, but I had no way to buy the building. About a year ago, an incredible woman (who I now see is an expander for me) bought the building & invited me (I’m a projector so this was perfect) to come in & chat with her about renting space. 

It was so divine. She & I both feel that the building has a magical pull. Anyway! All year I’ve been working on putting together this shop, & feeling lots of resistance at times. It wasn’t until going under that all the memories came flooding back. All the unworthiness & scarcity & lack of modeling. And I just journaled my brains out & allowed whatever feelings to come up. Situations from my past, & people from my past, that I didn’t realize I was still very much attached to, just started flooding in. I realize these were tests. I was having a hard time stepping into this new business /new life because I was hanging on to the way things used to be—completely unconsciously.

So, I worked through all of it & had a brief few days of intense depression. Went in to work on the shop, & a rep from one of my very favorite paper lines just happened to pop in & ask if The owner of the building wanted to carry her stuff. It was a total ping. I got up & introduced myself, & it ended up that the owner of the building (who has a retail store also in the bldg) found a perfect fit in another retail line, & this one was all MINE. When I got back to work, I felt like I could cry. I remembered that ten+ years ago I would make lists about this boutique/coffee shop I wanted to open. It always felt real yet so far away. And almost everything about it is happening, without me consciously making it happen! 

Yesterday I pulled out a random notebook to make a list in, opened it up, & it was my OG list from 10 years ago. Everything on the list except the name & the now-obsolete decorating scheme is HAPPENING. I realized I had to expand enough to contain this manifestation. It took 10 years & lots of magic darks. If you feel like what you want isn’t coming, trust the timing. Although I wanted this little shop ten years ago, I now see I wasn’t yet equipped for it. The universe will get you suited up & ready for your dreams when you let go & allow it to. 💜💜💜


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