I’ll Be Getting My Largest Freelance Paycheck

I spent this past fall in a rock bottom/magic dark while pursuing a new career in web design/dev and my fuck you fund was drying up. I still decided to invest in How To Manifest, and a month later I manifested the perfect bridge job at a media agency in NYC (happened so effortlessly, too - set up through a recruiter, one phone interview/dev test, hired a few days later).

I also started to land some freelance clients, but they weren’t ones I really wanted to work with, and I wasn’t bringing in much income at my new job because of the holidays. This left me feeling in a rut at the end of the year. I had pre-ordered Uplevel, so dove into No and then started the Rut the day it launched. And holy shit. Everything started flowing after finishing that workshop! I was immediately presented with two more tests for freelance work that didn’t align, so I turned them down knowing that what I really wanted was so close. Shortly after, I got a DM on Instagram from a female-founded design studio (that I had just randomly started following) asking if I was interested in freelancing on dev & design projects for them (answer: hell yes!).

Back when I started this work, one of the big manifestations on my list was to work remotely for a woman-owned creative agency. And I’m in awe that it’s actually happening! And the owner immediately accepted my asking rate of $50/hr. Even better? She’s been so happy with my work that she even offered a potential full web design project. And again had no problem with my quote of $2,500 for the site redesign (the most I have charged for a project before this was $1,200). I was hit with another test over the weekend - an extremely toxic person that I cut out of my life years ago tried to friend me on Facebook, but I immediately denied & blocked him. 

Literally that night, I received word that the client wants to go forward with the project & I’ll be getting my largest freelance paycheck yet! And the studio has even sent some more potential projects my way, including one that would bring in $5-7k! Fuck yeah for knowing my worth, for passing tests, and for only accepting work that truly lights me up. Excited for what this year will continue to bring. THANK YOU Lacy & the TBM family!


I Passed A Lot of Tests and Made it Through a Magic Dark


I Finally Manifested My Coffee Shop