I Passed A Lot of Tests and Made it Through a Magic Dark

I am so happy to be able to share a manifestation with this group. I started doing the Pathway in January, working through How to Manifest, then Money and Love. I have been navigating a career change for the past year, digging deep into my purpose and authentic self. The idea of my magnetic self has been powerful, but there's been a heavy feeling. The world around me hasn't matched the beauty that's been developing inside of me, and I've been sad. I went through a rut, a rockbottom, and then what I hoped was a magic dark (as painful as it was). 

I burned through my FU-fund, had not secured a bridge job, and started to take on debt. I felt like a failure, like I was 'doing it wrong' by not following the steps perfectly. Still, I kept getting and passing serious tests related to career. All the classics - a job that was like the job I quit, but paid half the money (low self worth), a job that was like the job I quit, but paid significantly more with a restrictive contract (shiny object), an invitation to work for free doing what I love for exposure (more low self-worth), a freelance job where the client did not respect me (OMG, again with the low self worth!). I said no, no, no, no. Then laid in bed for 3 days and starved off panic attacks with meditation, journaling, and messages to my therapist. Then I saw a job posting casually pop up on Twitter. I did not completely meet the criteria for the posting, but I took a chance and applied anyway because it would be a dream job for me, DEEPLY ALIGNED with my sense of purpose and my magnetic self. 

I was honest about not matching their list of desired qualifications, and fully owned it and showed up as my full self. On Friday I had the interview and today I received the offer. I am so proud of myself for passing the tests. I have no idea how the experience of the job will be, but I know I have jumped a major hurdle. If you are in the magic dark, I feel you and I send you a virtual hug. BELIEVE in yourself because you are worth it.


Money / Love / How to Manifest


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