In 3 Weeks I’ve brought In 3 New Projects That Have Fallen Into My Lap, & an Important Expander

Sharing a cool story bc none of my friends will care or think I’m crazy lol. Background: I quit my full time job in March to start working 1 freelance marketing role & 1 PT yoga studio job. I love my jobs, but I know my current situation isn’t something I want to be in long term so I’ve been feeling anxious. I’m getting married and am 28 years old so I’m starting to think more about preparing for my future. In a moment of desperation I sought out guidance from a psychic. I was hesitant, but did it anyway. In my reading, I asked what their insights were around my professional life. They said August would be a positive time in terms of work and professional life and will progress from there. I thought this was interesting because Lacy always says money and love are connected & I get married August 23. In the last 3 weeks, I’ve brought on 3 new projects that have literally just fallen into my lap. And all of which I’m genuinely excited for. 

One of the projects is a website for makeup artists. She’s someone I admired before she reached out about her website. During our meeting I picked her brain about how she got into freelance makeup (she does makeup for Netflix TV show crews & editorial shoots aka a badass) and we talked about that for a while. Makeup is a passion of mine that I never viewed as an option for income until recently, but I was kind of lost as to how to break into that industry without having a cos license. The woman I was meeting with also didn’t have a cos license. Fast forward to today and she asks if I want to try out to be on her team of makeup artists! It wouldn’t be for any of her TV show shoots, it’s more weddings and photoshoot, but it’s a MAJOR STEP!!!


I Manifested $2,000 For My Move to Oregon!


It’s All About Putting That Trust Muscle to Use and Stepping Into Your Worth!!!