It’s All About Putting That Trust Muscle to Use and Stepping Into Your Worth!!!

MANIFESTATIONS CAME THROUGH! I don’t know if anyone remembers but I recently posted about a month ago on the TBM group that I quit my job that day because the owner yelled at me in front of customers and really degraded me. Welllll I wrote my manifestation list for a job and almost everything came through. I’m 21, not going to college this semester and didn’t want to settle on a minimum wage job being a barista again. I looked on Craigslist, Indeed, around my neighborhood. Nothing spoke to me. I applied to a plant store that I liked but didn’t see myself working there and I didn’t hear back! So I continued to trust and wait in the universe, and even when my bank account got to $8 I wasn’t even worried. A week ago I saw this shop post on their story that they were hiring. I had actually gone in a month ago to see if they were hiring but I guess at the time they weren’t. I applied, interviewed, and well I just got the email today saying that I got hired at my new amazing job!!! I will be working at a shop in SF that has fancy soaps, candles, and perfumes and in the back it has an art gallery with artists showing work every month. I can bring my dog and I will be working alongside the owner, who is AMAZING BTW! It’s all about putting that trust muscle to use and stepping into your worth!!!


In 3 Weeks I’ve brought In 3 New Projects That Have Fallen Into My Lap, & an Important Expander


The Inner Work is Totally Worth it, Especially For Money Blocks!