The Inner Work is Totally Worth it, Especially For Money Blocks!

I want to share an expansive story regarding money and abundance, particularly for people who are unhappy in their jobs and afraid to make a change! I started doing a lot of work on my abundance mindset this summer, which led me to To Be Magnetic and the Pathway. As opposed to calling in super specific things like a house or partner, really I wanted to work on my blocks to feeling abundant and worthy of receiving things and money. I left my corporate job in the spring and finished up as a contractor for them in June. I am currently creating my own business while I live off of savings.

I knew that the highest self-worth way of approaching this would be to leave all other portals closed for money until I launch this because it is truly what I want to do and trying to make money any other way would be settling. Even then, the abundance mindset work I'm doing has manifested in surprising ways. For instance, out of the blue, we were contacted by our mortgage broker to refinance the mortgage we had only had for one year. We ended up with a high interest rate last year for a lot of reasons, and refinancing could lead to huge savings. Getting our mortgage was an incredibly stressful process where we were really put under the microscope - they asked for everything down to the rental agreement from an apartment I had moved out of years ago! It was insane. I wasn't looking forward to this process and felt so pessimistic that there was no way for us to get this refinanced when I don't have a job anymore. I almost didn't go through with it, and multiple people told me it would never happen. However, I decided that I would because it felt right. Well, we got the refinance. They didn't even *ask* for any proof of what I was making this year. The entire process was effortless and simple. We will be saving $1000/month and the cost of the refinance will be recouped within one year on the total mortgage. I asked for help with abundance and money, and even though I very little have active money portals at the moment, new ones opened up to straight up save me money on what I already was paying! The inner work is totally worth it when working on those money blocks!


It’s All About Putting That Trust Muscle to Use and Stepping Into Your Worth!!!


I Manifested Not Only My Job but The Courage to Insist on What I'm Worth!