I Manifested Not Only My Job but The Courage to Insist on What I'm Worth!

Manifestation share! Ok guys, let me gush for a moment because I am just so damn excited. For the past 1.5 years I've been working a part-time job that was ok, but the pay wasn't as good as I wanted and it was fully remote (the company is another city). I was feeling kind of isolated. I wanted a similar deal to what I have but the option to go into the office when I felt like it, and better pay. I put this all down on my list. Within a month the company I used to work for (full time) reached out to me about returning, part-time remote, like the deal I have now. They are in my city so I would have the option to go into the office, and I love the people there. In negotiations I asked for a rate that felt uncomfortably HIGH for me (50% more than I make now), but I also felt like it was what I was worth. 

Old me, before this work and understanding the importance of standing in my worth, would have asked for a number maybe 10% higher than what I was making now. They counter-offered. Old me would have taken it, but I stood firm in my original number. They counter-offered a higher number, but still not my number. At this point, old me DEFINITELY would have taken it. But I just kept thinking how this was a test and I didn't want to fail and I needed to stand in my worth. Today I wrote back saying they needed to meet my original number. I literally felt sick to my stomach. This felt crazy...how could I ask for this? Within an hour they called and agreed to my number. I literally can't believe it. Thank you all & Lacy for helping me not only manifest this job but have the courage to insist on what I'm worth!!!


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