4x The Return in Happiness & Finances

Well, here's a first for me. A completely vulnerable moment and I feel so called to do so. SO here I go. I have done TBM workshops a full year now. Happy self-discovery anniversary to those on the same timeline! I cannot even begin to explain what being on this journey has done for me. I started with Unblocked Money in January 2018, and now I’m moving on to Shadow and How To Manifest as we speak with some of my soul sisters (huge support!). Finding out I’m a Generator in Human Design was a complete game changer for me! 

So much has shifted in my core from doing these workshops. I finally realized I didn’t need to sell myself in the way that I believed I “had” to! Being simply me and voicing the self I’ve always been is really the key. Re-creating the lower frequency in my memories to something much higher and what I desire has been so helpful for me in manifestation the right turn of events. Both challenges and successes have helped me collect the pieces in the areas that had been empty or “lacking” so I can become that magnetic self. 

I couldn’t think of who my expanders are for almost a full year, but I trusted the process until each one surfaced so naturally. There were a few A-HA moments for sure! It’s so important to have these expanders as part of this journey and I didn’t see it until mine became really clear! All I can say is trust the process! I’ve decided to take a month off from a consulting job that I was feeling only half way passionate about, and in comes a job for the same month that Is giving me almost 4x the return financially and passionately! And the best BEST part is I get to share this financial opportunity with bringing in an assistant - a soul sister friend. WIN WIN. Trust the process. And thank you Lacy Phillips and the team who makes all this possible for all of us! Continuing on this journey with complete open heart and courage to trust the process!


I Manifested Not Only My Job but The Courage to Insist on What I'm Worth!


15 Years of Blocks Undone & Making a Living off my Artwork