Intuitively Feeling My Way By How I Feel Wearing Different Styles

Just wanted to share a tiny manifestation. I’ve only just started the work but yesterday while my son napped I went through the DRE with a trigger, and long story short the first line in my journal after that was “dress to match my strength and femininity”. I’ve been purging my wardrobe and trying to find my style by how a garment makes me feel, so this gave me clarity. I’d been listening to Lacy’s podcast on The Life Stylist, and finished it after the DRE. I then scrolled The Life Stylist’s other episodes and found one with Lauren Messiah (I’d never heard of her and don’t follow any fashion blogs etc). I’ve seen courses on how to style yourself etc but I’ve been intuitively feeling my way by how I feel wearing different styles (rather than just “dress for your body type”), and this seems to be the basis of what she teaches! It’s like I cleared something and this was delivered to me almost immediately!


DREs / Podcast


The Material Possession Manifestation Just Emphasized That The Universe Was Responding/Co-Creating!


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