The Material Possession Manifestation Just Emphasized That The Universe Was Responding/Co-Creating!

Manifestation share: I’m one of those peeps who have had a rough go of manifesting career, money, and possessions really my whole life (as a Cap sun these things are pretty important to me). Lately, I’ve been trying to manifest a new city/career/home and am constantly preoccupied with what steps I should and shouldn’t be taking. For a few weeks I’ve fluctuated between feeling stuck and powerless to deciding to give up and focus on other areas of life (you know, screw the lists and just be happy where I am). After diving into Unblocked Inner Child, my Human Design chart, and some Taoist literature for a few weeks, by Thursday of this week, I really started to own my authenticity and put myself out there in scary and exciting ways (sharing my poetry on IG- owning my shadow stuff, etc). I also decided to stop being so damn goal-oriented and just allow for once. 

Oh boy has the universe taken notice! My husband gave me an intuitive tarot reading today and told me that my career/home answers would come through me being open to connecting with people and just receiving answers. 10 minutes later we walk into a shop we often frequent (in the city we are manifesting a move to) and the owner remembers me, reads my energy, and starts telling me where I am supposed to work (which matches my list), the work I am called to do later in my career, and the area I should live in (which happens to be close to lots of waterfalls - which is on my list). It’s like she was literally channeling answers for me. To solidify it all, I see a pair of sunglasses matching my “small manifestation list” description (vintage style, yellow) and go to buy them. The owner tells me that they are a gift. 😮I actually manifested a material possession! WTF? I mean the sunglasses just emphasized that the Universe was responding/co-creating, but damn this stuff works. The best part of all has been the feeling of stepping into my authentic self and my power. Hope someone who is feeling stuck today finds this encouraging.


Inner Child


2 Days In & I Got a Raincoat, Potentially a New Home, and Engaged


Intuitively Feeling My Way By How I Feel Wearing Different Styles