The Position is Absolutely Everything on My List

A few months ago, I had posted in the group about being unemployed and trying to manifest a new job that was aligned with what I wanted to do, but it was far out of my current skill set. I completed Unblocked Money and discovered blocks, but still struggled to find abundance financially and my way career-wise. I had quit my last job with a small fuck you fund but not enough to go much longer. I made my list and went to countless interviews for things I didn’t want and didn’t match up. While waiting for this job, I had to jump off a lot of other cliffs and drop a lot of things I really thought I cared about, but were keeping me small and in my comfort zone - including turning down acceptance to my dream college and breaking up with my boyfriend.

Out of desperation and one last creative attempt, I cold emailed someone who I felt very drawn to and expanded by from afar. They asked to meet me, and on my way to my interview, the owner of my old company got on the train and sat down directly in front of me without noticing. An even crazier sign is the person who currently has the job follows Lacy’s work and brought it up in my interview with her!!! When I went home after my second interview and checked, the position is absolutely everything on my list. I am excited to say that today, almost three months to the day I became unemployed, I accepted this job!!!




15 Years of Blocks Undone & Making a Living off my Artwork


Not Allowing Myself To Be Small in Relationships Ever Again!