The Perfect Friend For Trying Times

I admittedly have taken a break from the work for the past month or so. I have been having a tough time still with my breakup + everything that has been going on, and being from Minneapolis/St Paul, it has been hard (May not be the word?) seeing home in so much pain. But also so inspiring to see the way they have lifted themselves up, and the way the world has followed suit. As with most of 2020, so many different emotions and feelings, and so much learning. However, I did want to share something I am positive I manifested: my sweet new girl Scout. I have a wonderful 12-year-old Golden Retriever named Stella, and she has seen me through MANY difficult times. But when I started the work, I knew I wanted to manifest happiness because I was feeling so little of it. I didn’t know what I wanted exactly (and I am a VERY specific manifestor!), I thought it was my ex coming back or losing weight or “things.” 

But then, I randomly looked up puppies/rescues one night. All rescues around me are tapped (which is a great problem!), and stumbled upon a post by a family in MN (I’m in CO) that had a litter. They breed maybe once every five years. By the time I reached out, the ad had been up for a month, and with the luck I was having (long wait lists, insane costs for a puppy, etc) I was figuring it wasn’t supposed to happen. And then, the owner reached out and said she had one little girl left unexpectedly. They had planned to keep her but had recently decided that the time was right for them to move to more land, and that wouldn’t be fair to the pup during training. 

She said she had turned away over 45 people for this puppy, as they were so far away (Illinois, Iowa, etc.), but that when my email came through all the way from Colorado, something felt right. We spoke quite a bit, and I finally decided I would fly up and back to bring her home. It was nerve-wracking, I didn’t want to be a hypocrite and put myself or the family I stayed with in MN in danger with COVID. But the airport was clean and VERY sanitized, flight costs were $40 each way, and I was incredibly overly cautious. 

The minute I met the puppy, we clicked. She has wise eyes and is so, so cuddly and sweet. She’s smart, sassy, and absolutely is what I needed. I feel like everything fell into place, even the price was right. I also got to hug my mom, which hadn’t happened since Christmas and was really emotional. Anyway, I just wanted to share. I am still definitely working through a lot, and still hurting from my breakup, but Scout has helped so, so much. We will be training to be a therapy team, so something to keep me busy 🙂 She also was the reason I met a super nice neighbor who also has a puppy and happens to be an avid sailor. 

I grew up sailing and had signed up for sailing lessons and was SO excited to start them last week. But they were canceled due to COVID precautions for now. So meeting this guy and being able to have a playmate for Scout AND maybe sail, it just felt like a great sign! He is very nice, so hopefully a new friend out of it too. My old gal isn’t as big of a fan yet, but she’ll get there 🙂


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