Weathering Tests While Adjusting To A New Home

I've had a ping to share this so I'm running with it. I am a Projector, Leo Sun, Aries Moon/Rising. I've been doing the work for about six weeks now; I've completed Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow, as well as Authentic Code. They were HARD—much more than I expected. I moved cities in January for a job. The job, apartment, and neighbourhood I lived in, were things I had subconsciously manifested. Three years ago, I decided I wanted to move here to work in my industry, live in this particular suburb, have an apartment with beautiful wooden floors, white walls, and a short walk to the beach. I never did anything about it other than dream. 

The prior 18 months before my move, I went to interview after interview in my home city, always getting down to the last two candidates and being passed over. I liked my job, but the culture of my company was so, so toxic. I felt like I couldn't escape. I was in a massive rut. When I had given up on interviewing and had just accepted life as it was, I got a message out of the blue about a job offer. I sailed through the interview process and landed the job. I had six weeks to pack up everything and move. A family friend in the city I was moving to asked if I wanted her to look at apartments for me. It is notoriously hard to get a nice place in this city, and prices are through the roof. 

I found somewhere vaguely nice in the area I liked, and she checked it out. She loved it. Within six hours of her inspecting the property, it was mine. A large, two bedroom apartment for the price of a studio. I had expected to live in a hotel for months before I found something. I was dating somebody who was really nice from my hometown. We broke up about six weeks into my move as neither of us wanted to do long distance. Truth be told, he didn't want to do long distance. I had pictured this big life with him; I imagined him moving up, moving in, us wandering home barefoot from the beach, cooking dinner, enjoying a wine. 

Something was always niggling with him, but after a slew of dating horrible men, I thought he was the one. I started my job. I loved it. Then came COVID. I had to take a pay cut of almost half my wage, absorb a role, and work around the clock. Every moment I was awake, I was working. It didn't bother me so much, as I LOVE what I do. But the way the economy was going, and with my paycut, I was constantly stressed about money. I couldn't really afford my place anymore, and I couldn't afford to live comfortably anymore - I had to say no to the things I loved, and I hated life. I was getting burnt out. I would probably have to get a roommate, which I just REALLY didn't want to do. My number one manifesting goal was for my salary to return to normal in July. 

A friend recommended this course, and I started it slowly due to work commitments, but I really tried to carve out time for it. Small signs from the universe kept appearing, so I knew that I was supposed to be doing this. Three nights ago, the guy I was dating contacted me. I was a mess. What if I replied with the wrong thing, this is my one chance of getting him back, this was my one shot at finding true romantic love. Instead of responding straight away, anxiously like I would always do. I took a day, I caught my breath, I considered what I wanted to say. I was completely honest. He was nice (he's always nice), but I didn't get the big, romantic love vibe. 

It was clear it wasn't going to progress to what I wanted. I let it end, cried my eyes out all night, but for once, I let it end on my terms. The next day I woke up to a massive energetic shift. I rearranged my apartment, did an amazing yoga session, jumped into work, ticked off everything on my list, and just felt totally aligned with the universe, that I stood in my worth, even though it pained me to do so. Two hours later, my manager shares that I will most probably return to my normal salary in four weeks! I had assumed the pay cuts were permanent, or at least until the end of the year, especially as a recession was just announced YESTERDAY. 

I've always been subconsciously manifesting but doing this makes everything so clear cut. As soon as I passed my first big (and very hard) test, I was instantly rewarded with the number one goal on my list. Anyway I wanted to share because I'm only at the very beginning of my journey, and I am feeling so in step with the universe.


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