Don’t Be Discouraged If It Takes Time!

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: How to Manifest, Unblocked Love, Inner Child, Shadow.

How did your manifestation come through?: I manifested a relationship a year and a half after starting the work (so don’t be discouraged if it takes a while!) Looking back, it really took that long for me to fully understand how blocked I was, and where I kept making the same mistakes over and over. Let’s just say that I kept failing a lot of tests… going on several dates with guys I knew I wasn’t really interested in, accepting flakey behavior from ones that I was, rationalizing casual hookups as harmless. Finally, something just clicked. I saw how I had been accepting situations below my worth my whole life. 

I just knew that it wasn’t what I wanted anymore, and I didn’t need that validation from guys’ attention. I stopped using dating apps for several months to detox and planned to wait until the spring to start again. But then I got a ping to go back on when I had some free time in my normally packed social schedule. I matched with my current partner almost immediately. It was his first time using a dating app in his life, and he had just created an account a few days before. It felt so different from the app interactions I had over the last two years - he asked really thoughtful questions, and our texting was natural and interesting. 

We met up a week later (his first date ever from an app!) A few hours before our date, I received an out of the blue text from an old hookup (those tests know how to have perfect timing…), which I, of course, shot down. We connected immediately. From there, everything just unfolded so easily. He made it clear he was super interested from the beginning; there was never a moment when I had to wonder if he was going to text or when we would meet up. We started seeing each other several times a week, talking every day.

Three weeks into our relationship, they announced the COVID lockdown. We decided to quarantine together in my apartment, which in hindsight, was a little crazy. But it allowed us to grow closer so much faster and forced me to let down walls that normally I would hide behind. It has now been seven months since we have been together, but with the amount of bonding and emotional intimacy we have built, it feels like at least double that.

He has all the qualities that I’ve always wanted and put on my list- affectionate, playful, intelligent, successful, funny, level-headed, handsome. He loves kids and also wants to have a family (something my exes never wanted!) He treats me better than anyone I’ve ever been with and is very vocal about how he really sees me as something special. He’s the first person that I can truly imagine building a life with. It is still early on, but I know that I have finally found someone truly deserving of me, who pushes me to grow for the better.

Timing was everything with us, so I really encourage patience and to fully trust that you will meet the right person at the right moment.


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