Discovering My Shadow & Manifesting A New Truck


Name: Kelcie Harris

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: My manifestation list included the following:

1. Online business opportunity. I am a non-specific manifestor and projector, so I left this fairly vague, but I wanted to have an opportunity to provide distance educational consults (I am a naturopathic doc) or rep for a business, etc

2. Charcoal grey Toyota Tacoma

3. Opportunity to work remotely

4. A consistent income

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: At this point, I have been through all of the workshops at least once. I joined the pathway in January 2020. I began with Unblocked Money but quickly realized I had a lot of work to do with Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow. I dipped my toes into both of these workshops last winter and really dove into Unblocked Inner Child, which was very eye-opening. My father was in federal prison from the time I was 12 until I was 20, so I obviously had a lot to unpack around that (and still do). Before my father went to federal prison, he was incredibly successful in the shoe industry. 

He lived an entrepreneurial life and had several of his own companies. I grew up with money and lived in an affluent community. The lawsuit began when I was in middle school, and long story short, my parents lost everything and had to file bankruptcy. I went from having shame around my family's wealth to having shame around my family's lack of wealth. I have come to realize all of this through the TBM work and am working to heal my very complicated relationship with money. 

Unblocked shadow has also helped me realize how much perfectionism has held me back in life and how I need to improve my relationship with myself. I had to work through shadow twice before I found my real shadow, the fact that I do not love myself. I am a doctor and am seen as successful by my family and peers but have somehow not loved myself or felt pride in my accomplishments until recently.

What expanders did you find?: I have found some of my amazing friends to be expanders for me as well as people I do not know directly. Almost all of my expanders are fragment expanders. They each have several qualities that are expensive for me and that I feel I encompass in myself and my career.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Many of my tests have been emotional tests. For example, am I going to let that trigger affect my self worth and trigger negative feelings like anxiety, sadness, frustration, etc.? Or can I see that this is merely a test and has nothing to do with me personally? I had an annoying test that led me to my biggest material manifestations thus far, a Toyota Tacoma. I had a crappy 2008 Subaru that I loathed. It was a lemon that once left me stranded in the desert and was always rattling or doing something that made me feel its demise was on the horizon. 

I have put thousands of dollars into it since I bought it several years ago. The last straw was when I took it to get an oil change, and they told me it needed $3-4K of repairs. This would have made me very angry and frustrated in the past (I really did hate that thing), but instead, I put my big girl pants on and made the decision to trade it in. This is a huge step for me in getting out of a scarcity mentality as I did not want to take on a larger car payment, even though I could afford it. When I went to the Toyota dealership, the only truck they had in stock was my manifestation. 

It was the color, body type, mileage, and special features I wanted to manifest. Someone else was trying to buy this truck earlier in the day, but their deal didn't go through. They got my deal done in about 30 minutes, and now I have my dream truck.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, during the quarantine this spring. I got away from work at the beginning of the pandemic as I felt very distracted, sad, and in mourning. I was walking my dog one day and got a ping to check back in with the new podcast episodes. I dove fully back into the work at this time and was doing daily workshops, making progress on healing my inner child and making friends with my shadow for about 1.5 months before my big manifestation came through.

How did your manifestation come through?: I received an email out of nowhere from the founder of an up and coming supplement company. She had seen a quote of mine in a Byrdie article that I was quoted in about a year prior. I looked at their website and social media and felt that their product and their company's mission totally aligned with mine or wanting to help women feel their best. We scheduled a phone call and hit it off. I am now on their medical advisory board and providing online health consultations for their customers. It is exactly what I was hoping to manifest!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @drkelcieharris

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I am a caucasian female who grew up in the suburbs outside of Portland, Oregon.


Inner Child / Shadow / Money


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