Learning To Let Go

Name: Cindy weaver 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: 

1. To work from home, giving me more time to work on my creative projects and spend time in nature, while matching my present income. 

2. To work at my job for no more than 4 hours a day. 

3. To have a hired hand to take care of my horses and help with jobs around our property 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've been through all of them, except a few of the new ones. Money was my biggest block. Although I had many ideas for working from home, I couldn't imagine how it would ever match my current income with benefits included. 

What expanders did you find?: The leader of a recent retreat I was on, although I doubted that she was making a large income. Two women in my Women's Business group who were working from home on their passions. (minimal income) My friend, who had left her teaching job for an opportunity that was more inspiring to her. I couldn't find full expanders on this, but fragment expanders were more realistic. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Because I was hoping to move away from my teaching job into self-employment, I started being faced with opportunities to say "no" to work opportunities and projects my team wanted to do. I needed to start focusing my energies in my new direction. I said "NO" quite a bit. It was harder to not participate with my teammates on some projects because I truly loved them and didn't want to disappoint them. I stepped down from a few communities that were taking too much of my time. 

Classroom possessions- there was so much I wanted to hang onto, but I started purging the items that needed to go in order to move me forward. The last was letting go of my beloved desk when our school got new furniture. I "hung on the fence" on that one for several days because I had the option to keep it. Then I said to myself, "if you're no longer going to be here, why would you need it.?" 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Not really, but I did feel a little bit of a lost feeling like I was neither here nor there. 

How did your manifestation come through?: With schools closing because of COVID-19, I was now working from home. I still had my teacher salary and benefits (plus no commuting expenses). Because I have a Masters in Educational Technology, this change was easy for me, and I didn't experience a steep learning curve the way most teachers were. I was creating all kinds of creative projects for my students, loved online learning, and was not working more than 4 hours a day. Because of the stay-at-home order, I went nowhere and had time to work on my own Art Projects, Writing and Book projects, and walks in nature. 

My daughter was out of work, so she came to live at home. She took over all of the horse chores-feeding, cleaning the barn, training the horses. When we had multiple days of snow, she hopped on the plow and cleared the lane for us. My hired hand had arrived, and we didn't even have to pay her. She was happy to be home, not paying rent anywhere, and being around the horses. It took me several days to realize what had happened. 

At first, I didn't think of it as a manifestation, just a situation I was put in. But it met everything on my list, so I began to embrace it as the manifestation I had been calling in. I did initially struggle with how this came through. While I was "living my dream," others were suffering. The biggest thing I learned was not to attach to HOW a manifestation will come through. 
If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: cweaverism (personal) dream_valley_retreats (side-hustle with my husband)




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