Learning Deservingness + Receiving a Pay Raise

Name: Maria Bessette 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: 

  • a part time job that allows me to work with kids, teach them about wellness/yoga, and get paid 

  • earn $5 more per hour at my full-time job (which is a major stretch-- most of the promotions are only a 2-3 dollar/hour increase!) 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: DRE, Uplevel - Rut, Unblocked No, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, How to Manifest, and Unblocked Full Moon. I discovered a lot of blocks around my worth as a friend/coworker and in being heard/seen. I did a lot of reprogramming around being seen as "too sensitive" as a child, and around being seen as unwanted, annoying, etc. 

What expanders did you find?: I met many expanders through training programs on mindfulness + wellness that I participated in outside of work. I also expanded myself by keeping track of all the little things (even feelings!) that I've manifested up until this point. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I faced a lot of tests around reactivity. Mostly, figures of authority, friends, and coworkers served as my tests. Would I give in, placate, people please, suck up, or would I stand in my power? I failed some tests but passed more. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: No magic dark for me! 

How did your manifestation come through?: I saw links online to a local nonprofit organization in my city about three times (which seems to be a magic number), and then a colleague reached out to me to let me know that this organization was in need of a mindfulness teacher to come in mid-year. I met with the supervisor, and it turns out that this job was everything that I had wanted-- a way to work with kids + create relationships with them long-term, do it in little chunks of time, teach a topic I'm passionate about and get paid for it! It also came with something that I hadn't put on my physical list but is something that my soul wanted-- working with a group of kind, smart, caring, self-reflective women-- helping to heal so much of my programming from the past. 

For the $5 pay increase at my main job, I put this on my list very whimsically at the beginning of the year, knowing that it was a real stretch. A few months later, my manager told me about a position that was being created that he thought I'd be great for. A few months later, we found out that the position would pay 5-6 dollars more per hour than I'm currently making, which is very rare at my company. I passed some tests along the way and ended up earning the position from a place of deservingness. 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @mariabessette 


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