Little Signs From The Universe That It’s Still Supporting Us

#stayintrust I have to share because it could be very expanding to others who are feeling doubtful with everything going on in the world. I put three items on my list one month ago, and they all came through within the last three weeks. First, my flexible work from home job where I help people with the same company I love and feel a lot of community with this company. I wasn’t specific on what the job had to be, but only it had to be with the same company, flexible work from home and helping others, and we will be saving a ton of money not needing after school child care since I will be home when the bus gets there. Secondly, I was calling in a large sum of money for my Pilates certification that I thought would take years to save for. Lastly, the funds for my black Everlane bag. 

We just found out Thursday night we would be saving $400 for childcare the month of April, and on top of that, Everlane is having a 25% off sale (so it was even cheaper than I anticipated). I ordered it right away. As soon as I got my job offer, I started doing Uplevel right away. Then the other two manifestations came through. I will say the entire month of February was a magic dark. I now know how my magic dark feels. Little things just go wrong. I had two weeks of little computer issues. 

Nothing big but enough to just annoy me. And my niece got super sick when she was staying the night and got sick all over my carpet in the basement (she apparently had to drink something red bc that’s what the stains were, sorry TMI). When all of this was happening, I could feel something was circling around me. I started doing Unblocked Shadow during that time bc I felt I wasn’t ready for Uplevel quite yet. (I was feeling judgmental towards my sister) I just made a new list on Friday. I started looking for expanders. Trying to do the daily DRE of deservingness in Uplevel. 

This morning something small went wrong (I got a small snag in my new rug that can be hidden with my bed), but when that happened, I even thought and got excited bc I knew something was trying to come in. I have three kids and have really been trying to use this time to really do the work since baseball season and dance have been postponed, and I now have that time. I have so much trust in the universe right now and cannot wait to see what will come in next!! We can most definitely manifest during this time!! Happy Manifesting ❤️❤️


Shadow / Uplevel


A Ping Led Me To A Manifestation I Never Thought Was Possible!


The Universe Came Through At The Perfect Time