The Universe Came Through At The Perfect Time

Instant Manifestation story for you all. One day I’ll write a huge testimonial about Lacy’s work and how it helped me sell my house during this uncertain time. But, in the short term, I wanted to inspire/expand you all. One day before closing on my house in this unpredictable market, my buyer asked for a third inspection. Just this last Sunday, I had a wood repairman fix a soffit that some squirrels had chewed through. By Wednesday, in the final walk through those GD squirrels had done it again. The morning before closing, my realtor tells me that we can probably find a way to repair it in time but not prevent it from happening again before closing less than 24 hours away.

Meanwhile, I have already left the house and paid another mortgage payment. If this delays even one day, I’ll be paying a double mortgage. I told her the only to prevent it was to trim the trees back. She said, “I’ll try to call a tree trimmer, but no way I can get someone today. This closing will probably be delayed” Right after I saw the text, I walked downstairs with a packing box and saw a tree trimmer pull up. Seriously 30 seconds later. They were there for my neighbor. I told them what was going on, and the owner of the business said, “Oh I normally charge $400 minimum, and I’m weeks backed up, but we are here already, and this is easy. $300, and we can do it right now before noon.” Long story short, I closed and got my proceeds 24 hours later! 🙌


Little Signs From The Universe That It’s Still Supporting Us


Addressing Old Themes & Discovering There’s More To Me