Making My Vision A Reality & Love Like Wildfire

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-A move across the country from NYC - the Bay Area during the pandemic.

-A partnership

-New Career Path

-Dream apartment.

-Write and Star in my own film.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked love, Unblocked Money, Uplevel, and was a Pathway member for a year.

What expanders did you find?: I have been following Lacy and TBM for years now, and Lacy has always been an expander for me as well as many guests that have been on the podcast. I have several women in my life who are highly magnetic and in their self-worth, and they were my biggest expanders. As far as partnership, I really did not have a full expander, but fragments from movies that I was expanded by.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: When it came to partnership, I went through about two years of being tested and running into the fire over and over again. After ending a long term relationship, I was tested by many shiny carrot suitors, one shinier after the next until the ultimate test, which took me quite a while to pass. As I was enduring the experience of this test, it was crystal clear the whole way through that I was being both expanded by this man as well as tested. I allowed myself to fully experience and run into the pain and the discomfort because I knew I was drawn there for some reason. 

Once I found the strength and the energetic self-worth to finally say no with my full energetic system, it was like the floodgates were opened, and after that, tests became extremely quick and small in all areas of my life...and then my manifestations across literally every category came through almost all at once. With career, there were several tests of nannying jobs that came through that were very well paying but would keep me from being able to forge ahead with what I really wanted to do, which was write my own film as well as create a new pathway for a career in wellness and as soon as I turned down those opportunities, a wellness job doubled my hours.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes. There were several periods of magic dark, particularly with the apartment and with suitors. I had to sit in this slow period in which I really didn't know if I was going to be able to find the place that I was dreaming of. But I did not settle, and I just allowed myself to be patient and let the place that I was envisioning come to me.

How did your manifestation come through?: Hilariously enough, my dream apartment came through a shiny carrot suitor!!! When I met this man, he was my last small test before meeting the man I had been calling in. He checked off many boxes on my list, but ultimately we did not have sexual chemistry, and he turned out to be a bad communicator and not very emotionally available. However, on our second date, we had gone for a hike and back to his place, afterwards to have some lunch. The moment we walked up to the apartment, my jaw dropped to the floor. His apartment was the exact studio that I had drawn up in my mind and visualized and written on my list. Floor to ceiling windows, beautiful private courtyard, open light feeling, impeccably styled, and fully renovated. Not only that but it was in my price range which seemed almost impossible for the town in which I am looking, which is one of the most expensive places to live in the country. He told me what he was paying, and also had been expressing to me that he was not very happy living in this town...and when he said that I let him know that this was the dream place I was manifesting and if he ever moved, to please let me know. 

We went on one more date after that before ending things. Very quickly after that, my partner arrived...and when we met, everything was crystal clear in alignment between us. 

It was the thing they write about in movies. Romance, values, chemistry, joyfulness, adventure, groundedness, two people reuniting after years apart. Shortly after we had met, the last suitor reached out to see me. I agreed because I had a feeling it was in regards to the apartment. As soon as we met up, he let me know he had decided to move and offered me to sublet his place on a month to month basis (which is what I wanted because I'm not financially ready to commit to a full year lease during these chaotic times) and he even gave me a further discount, as well as leaving it fully furnished ( I left all my belongings in NYC, and he has exquisite taste haha!). 

A dream come true. Meanwhile, the romantic partnership blossomed and took off like a wildfire, but in the calmest, most secure, and non-game playing way. I simply did not know that was even possible after dating in NYC for a year and all the trials and tribulations I had faced. He is literally everything on my list and beyond. And when we are together, I feel in my full most authentic worth, I feel seen, I feel joyful, and my magnetism has been skyrocketing.

As far as a career, my hours in my bridge job doubled, and it is providing me with all the skills I need to begin a career in this new line of work after having been a Broadway Actress and professional Ballerina for the last decade of my life. And with no college degree, I am able to build my resume and network in a field I am passionate about. I wrote and filmed a short film with an incredible team of high-level professionals who commuted from LA to film with me in the Bay Area, most of them offering their services for BEYOND a discounted fee if not for free, just because they believed in my vision. WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I am caucasian (polish and Russian ancestry), Jewish, originally from San Francisco, California.


Love / Money / Uplevel / Pathway


A Christmas Present Sparked The Journey Of Finding Myself


A Ping Led Me To A Manifestation I Never Thought Was Possible!