Multiple Magic Darks Led To My Entire List

Name: Scarlett De Leon

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: It has changed since I've been doing this work for almost two years but:

New job 
Office space and time exactly how I wanted it to kombucha and cold brew on tap! 
New house exact list 
Commitment from my partner 

The most important stuff has been my expanded confidence and overcoming so many blocks (still working through so many!); I recently launched an online store/ artist platform.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started with Unblocked Money because I was hoping to transition out of the organization I had been working at for six years. Since then, I have done all of the workshops. I did Unblocked Inner Child a couple of times and am currently working through the free roadmap.

Blocks: extreme lack mentality (so much improvement but still have a lot), co-dependency, saying no, friendships, asking for what I want in my relationship (this was a major test I recently went through), writing, and so much more.

What expanders did you find?: I found different expanders for different things. Online - curated Instagram, reached out to friends of friends when looking for a place, saw some that made me realize I could find what I was looking for, etc.—currently looking for a community that reflects my values and can serve as a business expander.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: First, I jumped off a cliff and left a job that was no longer serving me. Getting close to the end, I began to run out of $ and accepted a temp job doing something that goes against my values. I felt horrible and did rock bottom during that time. I quit and immediately was asked to interview for a few places that fit my list. I again got scared and accepted one that was not offering the pay I was asking for. 

Three months later, we moved to an office that was everything on my list and the time and work also checked off my list. But the pay still did not. I had to do more expanding, and a year later, I was offered a raise (that was the last thing on my list). At the same time this happened, I told my bf that if he could not commit to starting a family, going to therapy, and to us that I was okay with ending things. 

We did end up working it out because he agreed and has been committed since. I was threatening to break up with him if he didn't agree with something I needed energetically, and I really meant it. I was so at peace with it and really was okay with ending things. Since then, our relationship had changed energetically; right after this was when I got a raise, and we found a house to rent that fit our complete list.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: So much magic dark! With the job, I had a magic dark, and because I did not have solid savings it was extremely difficult and eventually, I did not "pass" the test. My relationship- I grieve it before and really felt it in my heart but, at the same time, had such a beautiful and magical trust feeling. There were a few days we did not talk, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I felt so magnetic, magical and had so much trust. For the new place, we had another opportunity that we almost hit and ended up serving as an expander, but we were so clear that we would not settle. It even took a few days to hear back from them. 

How did your manifestation come through?: I have completed a few lists. I usually focus on big manifestations, so they take a while, but I love working on them because they are an opportunity to work on myself. Right now, I am focusing on being seen, which I have a big block around. There was also a lot of shadow (wanting to be seen but it's so suppressed). When things come through, they just do. Usually, by then they don't even mean as much anymore. There isn't an anticipation of it and just feel like, "oh yeah." That is not to say there is so much gratitude every day.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @scarlettpaulina and @orangetreebypaulina

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Latina, immigrant parents from Guatemala, grew up in Koreatown, Los Ángeles


Money / Inner Child / Roadmaps


A $5M Dollar Business Opportunity As A Result Of My Hard Work


Learning To Sit In Uncertainty & Finding Community + Confidence