Shifting My Life In Ways I Wasn’t Expecting!


Name: Anna Vanuga

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Manifestation List:

- Double (at least) monthly income

- Be my own boss and work full-time from home

- Lose 5-10lbs

- Own Four Wheel camper

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've been doing Lacy's work since her days with "Free + Native." The first workshop I ever went through was Opulence (now Unblocked Money). Afterward, I moved to the Daily Reprogramming Exercise before committing fully to a year of the Pathway, where I dove into all of the workshops and spent months and months simply working through daily triggers with the DRE. I took a small break from the work this Spring then dove into the Pathway 2.0.

This work uncovered an incredible amount of blocks and limiting beliefs. I'm still discovering layers under layers. I feel like the remarkable thing about this work is once you pull one thread-- everything starts to unravel. The biggest blocks I've worked through were my fears with being seen, of being a burden, and issues with worthiness and credibility.

What expanders did you find?: I found career expanders, health + wellness expanders, artist expanders, style and fashion expanders, and entrepreneurial expanders.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Most of my tests present themselves with perceived "golden carrot" money opportunities. I have lived below the poverty line for the last six years, and anything surrounding finances is my Achilles heel. Tests looked like great jobs that weren't willing to pay, people asking for deals with artwork, getting turned down from jobs, hitting rock bottom after rock bottom, etc.

I faced a test at the beginning of the year for another job opportunity that sounded glorious from the outside, but once you looked behind the veil, it became apparent that I was walking right into the fire. I took the job because I didn't feel like I had the money to turn away-- so needless to say, did not pass that test.

The last BIG test I faced was a job opportunity that would allow me to work entirely from home, earn the exact amount of monthly income I've been trying to manifest, and gain experience in the area I am working to gain experience and knowledge. However, the job was full-time, no medical, no benefits, no vacation time, only 5 holidays/year, no overtime pay, and I would assume all legal liability should someone sue the company for the online content since I was in charge of all copy, design, and video editing. The Anna of six months ago would have taken the job despite the risks, but I turned it down.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, the months before I took the job that turned into a complete and total disaster was a magic dark. I kept trying to get jobs, and nothing was coming through; even opportunities that felt like I had a lead would fizzle and disappear. I wasn't hearing back from people who said they had work for me; it went on and on. I didn't realize the next thing to come through would be a test. I thought maybe it was my manifestation-- but looking back, I can see that I was pretty far away from being in my worth, so of course, it appeared like an amazing opportunity.

I think I'm in another magic dark right now!

How did your manifestation come through?: I haven't had to do any marketing or advertising of the work I'm doing for my manifestation to come through; it's just organically unfolded in the most beautiful way. It's been less of a singular manifestation and more an evolution into the life that I want for myself-- many manifestations coming through simultaneously that I didn't realize I even wanted until they landed.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @annavanugaart @minimalistdesignstudio

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I grew up in a town of fewer than 1,000 people in Wyoming. My Mom was raised Mormon; my Dad was raised Catholic. They both quit the church at 18 and fled. Together they made a choice not to impose any religious beliefs on my brother and I, allowing us the choice to choose what we wanted to believe.


Money / DREs / Pathway


Facing Tests Left & Right While Pursuing My Two Passions


A $5M Dollar Business Opportunity As A Result Of My Hard Work