I Manifested a Move, Remote Job, Farmhouse, & More!

Felt pulled to post in case anyone needs an expander for a woman who seems to always be pushing against normal society expectations! I made the decision to not have kids! I have a very happy marriage and have been with my husband for 13 years (married 6) and I'm 33. I don't hate kids, have amazing relationships with nieces and nephews and have so many friends with babies/kids. I do however live in a very small rural town where it's expected to have kids and get asked on the daily about having them or if I have them. Also went plant based when we moved to the small town which is in the middle of beef country haha. Honestly being completely comfortable with my decisions, I have no shadow about it and it's amazing the conversations that spring from telling people about being plant based or not having kids!

Using Lacy's work I manifested a move, remote job, farmhouse on 20 acres, meeting some Bravo celebrities I love multiple times (I am who I am haha) getting laid off (from the corp world which I hated) with a severance, a break from working which I definitely needed, and last month I just opened up a lifestyle boutique in above mentioned small town!

What was on your manifestation list?

A farmhouse, move from a metro city to a small town to be closer to nature, remote bridge job position, and starting my own business. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

 I have been doing the work off and on since October 2017. I started with Reparent, then Opulence, followed by Shadow. The biggest blocks and breakthroughs came through in Reparent. I had a block around being in a poverty/lack mindset, hustling is the only way to get what you want, and I had alcoholic parents so thought "I was never good enough" because they didn't put me above their addictions. 

What Expanders did you find?

Lacy was a huge expander for the issues with an alcoholic father and then an enmeshed mother. There is an account on IG called Azure Farm and they moved from Atlanta to a small town and bought and built a farm for themselves. There were several small town business accounts I followed expanders on my business. And lastly I was a recruiter and saw myself placing candidates in remote jobs all the time, and if they could get remote positions, so could I. I know everyone talks about social media being everything that's wrong in the world but I find almost all my expanders there and I love it! 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

I'm a nonspecific manifesting generator and I go off how I feel in a space. We looked at about 5 properties in person and several more online that had some of what we wanted but not everything. A lot were even priced well under budget but I knew our property would be waiting. I received a job offer for two roles after we had decided to move but neither of them were remote positions and the first one offered below what I was worth. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.

Yes there was the most work to do around the jobs. I felt super worthy about finding a house and land so that happened within a month of doing Inner Child. The job took longer to call in because I had a limiting belief that I wouldn't be able to find what I wanted in a small town. Once I got over that and used my current job and candidates that I placed as an expander, I started receiving interview requests for my bridge job. Before that, it was crickets even though I was a recruiter and there were dozens of jobs I applied for. 

How did your manifestation come through?

My husband was super into a couple properties but I stood my ground and finally our property came to us. My husband had a friend reach out from high school that knew we were looking and told us about the house before it was even on the market, perfect location, amazing land (20 acres) and great bones to the house so we could update it to our tastes. We listed our house for sale on Christmas day at midnight and the first showing made an offer and we were under contract within 48 hours, and made 40k on our house sale. I turned down both job opportunities because they weren't remote and the first offer didn't pay enough. The second offer that was going to pay me what I was looking for came back and offered me a remote position and I accepted. Once we moved and I had my bridge job I was ready to start working on starting a business and this was one that took time because I felt comfortable and kept running back into the fire, "my job isn't that bad" and "it pays well" all the while knowing I hated every minute of it. Sooo I called in getting laid off with severance so I could have money and unemployment while I started my business!!!! That process took about 5 months overall to leave my bridge job after 1.5 years in it. I was laid off in May this year, received unemployment and some severance and then took the summer to start working on opening up a lifestyle boutique. We opened November 4th and it's been amazing being my own boss and getting to curate the store with the things that I love so much! I have come to realize that "hustle" for me is actually doing the down and dirty self worth work and not so much working 18 hour days and forcing it to happen. Sure it can work out the other way but I would much rather work on myself and have life come to me than to force life to work for me!! This stuff works if you're willing to do it and call yourself out on your own BS! Thank you Lacy for the magic you've allowed me to uncover and call into my life! I just started Next Level this week and can't wait to see what comes from that! I'm going to call in some material things like a fridge, spa services, African Safari vacation, professional blender and some snow this month because why not?! I'm a nonspecific manifesting generator, Aries sun, Gemini moon and Cancer rising!

I share all this to show you what's possible, not to say life is perfect, because I've had plenty of shit to work on over the last 2 years of this work, rock bottoms and plenty of tears!




Every Single Day is Filled With More Joy Than I’ve Ever Felt


I Called In Everything I Asked For & More!