I Called In Everything I Asked For & More!

I started my TBM journey in August as a 30th birthday present to myself, feeling a little lost in my life as I wasn’t completely sure of what this next chapter looks like. I feel like I’ve always had really strong ambition but sometimes fall a little flat on the execution as I tend to dream really big! As a backstory to myself, I’m a songwriter and have had a bit of an all over the place journey the last four years, so I’ll start there. In 2015, I got into my dream school, Berklee College of Music. I spent 1.5 years there but ultimately decided not to continue with my education there as tuition was way too high and I didn’t feel it was the right place for me anymore. 

I took a year off from school to work and ended up in a really toxic work environment that I absolutely hated. I would cry maybe 4 times a week because I felt like I had gone backwards in my life and career and absolutely hated what I was doing. I then decided to go to LA, finish what I had started in Boston in a city that I’ve always dreamed of living in. Tuition was a fraction of the price as Berklee and I ended up getting two scholarships to study there. This was 2017 when I made that decision and in Jan 2018, I started my journey in LA. Let’s fast forward to a few months ago, I graduated from my program and found myself feeling stuck again. I have student loan debts, credit card debts and I’m just not sure exactly what direction I want to go in and LA was starting to feel less and less like home and my heart was really calling me back to Vancouver, where I’m originally from. I missed the ocean and the clean air and the forest and my friends and family dearly. How could I do what I want to do while living in Vancouver, where the industry is very tiny and most people move away to “make it” or to “make a living” for themselves outside of teaching. 

I started listening to Lacy’s podcast back in March I believe? Started following her on Instagram back around May and then finally signed up for her work in August. The first thing that I wrote down that I wanted to manifest was a studio quality recording microphone so I can make demos at home. That manifestation came through not even a week later. An $800 microphone totally for free. Then, I wrote down to call in a new phone, computer, car, direction in my career and a way to make a living in Vancouver doing what I love. My biggest thing is not feeling like I’m “locked down”. I like feeling free and didn’t want to work a 40 hour work week in an office, but I applied for those jobs at record labels in Vancouver just because I didn’t even know what else was available. But, I knew and felt what I wanted, I just didn’t even know what that job looked like. 

Then, about a month ago, I came across a job posting on indeed that sounded really interesting, I applied not thinking much of it and when I talked about it with a friend, it sounded like it could be a sales job and once she said that, I didn’t really feel like I would have been great at it so I was less excited and interested but I went through with having the first interview to see for myself. So I didn’t really think too much about it, then, I went through 3 rounds of interviews and really got to know the company and what my role and day to day would be like. It hits everything I’ve wanted. I am soooo glad I didn’t listen to my friend! My schedule is flexible and if I have a gig or if I’m away, I just black it out in the calendar and then they schedule my meetings around it. The pay is fantastic, it’s not a sales position at all, it's actually a very creative role in music and it’s in Vancouver. On top of that, they’re flexible on when I start as I’m moving back from LA, they’ve been amazingly accommodating for me and I get a new phone and laptop for my job and when I move into full time, I get a car allowance for a new car. All things I had written down that I wanted to call in. I had NO idea that this job even existed and couldn’t have specifically called it in if I wanted because of that reason, but I stayed open to the possibilities and just really believed in what I wanted and deserved! So now, 2020 starts with me in my new role, having called in everything I’ve asked for (and more!) and I couldn’t be MORE excited. I can pay off my debts and save money and pay for all of my bills and what not, and will be in a role that I’m excited about and am excited for where this leads! Anyway, I just wanted to share in case anyone else needed a pick me up! About a month before this job came through, I was sitting in the “magic dark”, so anyone else who is sitting there right now, keep going! You’ve got this.


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