A Peaceful Living Experience in Brooklyn

What was on your manifestation list?

A new apartment (and roommate) 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

I was focusing on weekly reprogramming, changing it up daily. But the foundation of How To Manifest deepened my understanding of having to pass tests and find Expanders throughout the process. 

What Expanders did you find?

I found Expanders via this community but also throughout the platform I was using to call in apartments. It was a community of creatives and I found a lot of people to be like minded and similar to myself. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

At first I was seeing apartments that were 3 bedrooms when I knew I wanted a 2 bedroom (myself + 1 roommate). At a certain point I told myself, "you know you do not want 2 roommates so step into your worth and believe you can call in a 2 bedroom). I then was specific on the apartments I was physically viewing, including the aesthetics (interior design is important to me), the actual roommate (I had a list of who I was looking for), I wanted the apartment to be accessible to a subway line (commuting from BK to NYC). And of course I did have a price range in mind so I had to stay loyal to that and now succumb to apartments that were more than what I wanted to pay just because they were beautiful, accessible and with the right person. My final test came with an apartment that was perfect, the roommate was into reiki, yoga, wanted a peaceful living situation, she was an artist, (I think she even followed this work!) But the apartment was $200 more than what I wanted to spend. I told myself, if I am going to pay that much I want at least a washer/dryer in the unit or more. The day after visiting the apartment, I heard back from her that she was moving forward with a friend of a friend. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.

A week went by where I did not reach out to any possible opportunities. Nothing came through that felt like a "yes". I told myself to just hold on and that the apartment/living situation that was meant to be would come, that settling was just not an option. 

How did your manifestation come through?

About a week after I feel I experience my final "test", I had reached out to see an apartment in an area of BK that I was not expecting to (I think I am a non-specific manifestor). I heard back pretty immediately (that day) and we set up time to meet one another at the apartment. Upon arrival, the apartment was everything I was looking for, brand new, fully furnished (other than my bedroom) with the aesthetic I was looking for, the roommate was an art director who had a very similar lifestyle to myself AND...there was a washer/dryer in the unit. I asked if he had many people viewing the apartment and he said "No, you are the first, I have been pretty exclusive about who I've had view the space, but when you reached out it seemed like a good fit." The final clarity came through when he told me that he only needed first months rent, no deposit or additional months rent. It was in that moment that I realized, "this is my new home." The process itself was so seamless and it felt right. I knew that this had all come together because of the work I had put into this manifestation. Two weeks later, I have had such a peaceful living experience. I turn 30 in January and this was a huge manifestation on my list to round out my twenties. An added bonus was the first Magnetic Meetup I had ever attended was planned for the day after my move in date, only a few stops away on the subway. I was overjoyed to share this with the community at the meetup. Thank you Lacy and team for all that you do!


How to Manifest / DREs


I Called In Everything I Asked For & More!


My Career Manifestation Came True, I Feel So In My Worth & I LOVE WHAT I DO