My Career Manifestation Came True, I Feel So In My Worth & I LOVE WHAT I DO

Manifesting: Dream Career- Owning my own home business + Being an Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide and Holistic Nutritionist 

The Beginning: • Getting clear on what I truly wanted after going from job to job and being so unhappy. • I was a Holistic Nutritionist 1st but realized my true calling was Energy Healing – so I rearranged the order to fit my Authentic Code.

• Did a lot of DRE and Authenticity DI’s to get SUPER CLEAR. Realizing what I truly wanted even when my ego was telling me “You went to school for Nutrition so do it” – didn’t feel right so I re-evaluated and stepped into my worth.

 • I expanded with friends, podcasters, people in the field and realized I could use my gifts for my career too. 

• I jumped off the cliff and made the moves to work for myself as an Energy Healer + Intuitive Guide with Nutrition sprinkled in. 

• I casted my manifestation list of how my business would be structured and what kind of clients I wanted. 3 beautiful friends came in right away for sessions and LOVED it. Great Feedback and everything flowed… until it completely dried up. 

The Magic Dark: • I got upgrades in my gifts, breakthroughs on my own healing and learned to stand in my grace 

Tested with Boundaries with Family- stayed in grace (DRE’d this) • Tested with Rock Bottom- Friendship- stayed in grace (DRE’d this) • Tested with Partnership- didn’t settle and stayed in grace (DRE’d this) 

Full Moon: • Shaky time- I questioned everything 

• Magic Dark – ping said: stay with it baby, power through - IT’S COMING! • Cleaned and made more space 

• Tested by Criticism, people not believing in me and telling me what to do- stood in my worth and said I know what I want. 

The End: • Got another expander from the Universe – showed me it was possible to want my dream too! (works for herself, has a business that brings money doing healings) 

• Talked with a fellow TBM Manifestor and I told her what I did and she was SO SUPPORTIVE and this made me feel in my damn WORTH! 

• Wrote down why I wanted Money and Clients (Got Clear) – I needed to uncover more of the root. I wanted Money – to have all my needs met/ fulfill authentic code of luxury/freedom. I wanted Clients- to fulfil my purpose as a healer / live in my authentic code. I did the Deserving DI to make sure I cleared all block from deservingness 

•TEST: wanted to buy something with a credit card but realized I need to be patient and that this was a test!! – I can wait until I have a client and money 

• Something coming through: Woke up to a woman who wanted to book a session with me for Organ Energy Healing! 

• BIG STORM IN THE FAMILY – had to detach, hold my grace harder than ever and honour myself and my worth. 

MANIFESTATION: On Saturday November 16th I woke up to an email that my 1st client booked for November 28th 2019 at 11 (WHICH WAS TODAY!) 

TODAY: I had the most beautiful session with a woman who was exactly my clientele list. My career manifestation has come true and I feel so in my worth and I LOVE WHAT I DO. This is what I have always wanted and I am so grateful. And her daughter just sent me this: “Hey! My mom cannot stop RAVING about you and the healing session she had today. She is super impressed and says you are lovely (which I knew already). Thank you for using your gifts and bringing her some clarity and healing” 

Thank you Lacy from the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful and here’s to manifesting the rest of my career, life, love, and anything I want!




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