Over $1000 In One Day

What was on your manifestation list?

What came through wasn't on my list. It was more of an example of building me "trust muscle" and clearing blocks so abundance can come through. I am manifesting working remotely in Europe for 3 months in Spring/Summer 2020. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

I started 10/18/19 with How to Manifest, then Inner Child, Shadow, and lastly, when the manifestations came through, I was on the last day of Unblocked Money. Many days, I did 2 per day. One in the morning, while still in bed because I was relaxed and felt that would help put me in a more suggestive state for reprogramming. The second in the evenings. I discovered financially, that I am repeating the patterns and hold the same beliefs as my blue-collar family with respect to how I view and use money, despite the fact that I have a Master's degree, moved away from my small town and felt like I was better off. Their views are that money was hard to come by, getting rich didn't happen to us, we clearly weren't lucky enough. 

What Expanders did you find?

Almost all of my friends are financially successful. One of my friends is very similar: from a small town, similar degree from the same school, left to come to CA and switch to a career in tech, like me... and she makes 3x as me in the same industry. I have many incredible women around me to use as Expanders. I definitely have a circle of 8 people that are successful and Expanders in so many ways

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

I listened to Lacy's podcast and heard her mention several times, "listen to your pings" and "if you want money to come through, you can't just wish for it, you have to take action." So, 3 weeks ago, I listened to my ping and bought a website domain for $!2.99 after hearing a little voice telling me to buy it. I had no idea what I would do with it. I also got an email from my doctor, who is out of network for my health insurance, with new instructions on submitting a claim. I completed all of the claims for the entire year and thought, well, maybe, I can manifest some money back. I have to have met my deductible, it's October! After checking online, it didn't look like my insurance was going to give me anything back, so I called and spoke to someone. She promised to put the claims through again for me.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.

Not sure? It didn't feel as dark as I've heard it described but I was doing a ton of work and feeling like the movement toward manifestation was slow.. However, I recognize that I've only been doing this for 5 weeks, so it's probably not slow at all! 

How did your manifestation come through?

3 weeks after I bought the website domain, I got an email from GoDaddy that someone wanted to buy it for $100. I did a counter offer and sold it for $300. The money hit my account (11/25/19). On the same day, I got a check from my health insurance for $534 from the claims that I submitted in October. I actually did get another check in the mail on the same day for some paid volunteer work for $220 that I did the first week of November, It literally all came in on the same day! That's over $1000 in one day! As Lacy says, don't expect the money to come out of nowhere. I submitted the claims and called to follow up because nothing had happened. The person I spoke to was a real advocate and it was in her hands. Then I got the check. But it was all about following those pings when you don't have a clue. I also want to share that I've been supplementing my reprogramming with energy medicine sessions. These sessions really help to integrate the work I'm doing in such a powerful way. I've heard Lacy mention that energy medicine is helpful and wanted to share.


My Career Manifestation Came True, I Feel So In My Worth & I LOVE WHAT I DO


I Have So Much Fun Manifesting Material Items