I Made My List 11/23 And I Started My New Job 12/23

What was on your manifestation list?

First and foremost, I found out that I am a specific manifestor, which helped me so much. I wanted a new job in the legal industry, downtown Austin, and I wanted to be surrounded by Expanders. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

I did the December DRE challenge! I found the most impactful to be the Magnetic Self, Shadow and Inner Child, and Subconscious Integration. I actually thought I had an amazing childhood, and while I still think that, I did have some childhood blocks. 

What expanders did you find?

I found my magnetic self to be an expander, my mother (I never knew I wanted to be like her), and I called in a new expander, who is now my boss! 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

I previously worked in the healthcare industry and I knew I wanted to eventually go to law school so my current situation was not suited to me. I realized I needed time to call in (and search for) a new position in the legal field so I put in my two-week notice. Once I put my notice in, I was tested in the form of a raise. I accepted the raise and stayed another week in the job I really disliked. I was at my breaking point one Wednesday, and I quit that day without notice. The following day, I went on an interview and that Friday I got my dream job (for the moment) with everything on my list, and more expanders than I asked for! Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes. I would say I was in a rut for honestly a couple of years, and my magic dark was when I knew I needed to go after I wanted. I made my list and the period after was my magic dark. 

How did your manifestation come through?

I made my list 11/23 and I started my new job 12/23. For the first time in my life, I am surrounded by expanders. I work with two incredible women who I called in. They are open-minded, intelligent, educated, strong, and forward-thinking. I can feel myself growing :) I still have more on the list, but I am so happy this new position came through so quickly because it influences my daily thinking. I recommend this to every single person; doing the work is the best thing to happen to me in years. I feel inspired again! Thank you!!


DREs / DRE Challenge


Grateful For Such An Impactful Test


I’ve Manifested A Ton But More Importantly Have Experienced So Much Clarity Around My Patterns