I Must Share This Magic Story!

I must share this magic story!

I’ve been working through Unblocked Shadow over the past few weeks (currently on Step 6) and a couple of powerful shifts have been happening. For those who haven’t yet done the work (which I highly recommend you do), you are asked to keep a list in the back of your journal consisting of triggers and shadow aspects that you discover throughout the workshop so that you can process these through each step. This morning I opened up my journal to my list of shadow aspects and witnessed a literal representation of these parts of myself fading away! I have included two side-by-side photos. For the skeptics (because I am just as stunned), myself and a group of stunning souls have joined together in a private Facebook group to work through this and support each other. I posted my fully penned list to them a few days ago with the second image being taken this morning... and yes, I wrote this list in pen! 🤯

This has confirmed my power and wow I am so looking forward to using this power to manifest everything I truly desire. Thank you Lacy Phillips, your work is pure magic and truly a value to this world! Namaste 💜




A Free Macbook


I Remained Committed and Have Manifested So Much